
Alone on Mars: The Pre-Sequel

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FuckboyJones's avatar

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    Cape Canaveral was once prime location for launching various different things into space, due to its proximity to the equator and deep air force history. Today, of course, it still is used as a launch site simply because of its proximity to Orlando. Unlike most of its destinations, Canaveral served solely as a spaceport due to the fact that Orlando International was a quick Hyperloop ride away, thus making the infernal cycle of planetary and interplanetary transit complete.
    And now Kaz, five-foot-tall Earth nobody, was going to Mars for spring break.
    "Thanks for dropping me off, Nelson." said Kaz as her boyfriend lifted her up for a hug, leaving her feet and baggage dangling in the air.
    "Jesus when did you get so heavy?" He asked, letting her down, "Does the little pig need to go to the gym?" He asked teased.
    Kaz punch Nelson lightly in the stomach, "I'm carrying a lot of bags, you nunce." After that, they opted for another tall-short hug, and Kaz went into the spaceport, tugging her baggage and her banjo case behind her.
    At 4 AM, Canaveral spaceport was not busy at all. Just a couple people tiredly milling around the checking area. There were luggage scales, except to the untrained eye they seemed in the wrong place and far too big. The trained eye, i.e: one living in the modern era, would know that that's because everything got weighed for IP travel. If the shuttles were empty, they had no problem blasting off. But add fifty or so people, and you started needing to watch your weight. Luckily for Kaz, she was severely light and severely un-average, so she was guaranteed in most cases to be the last person they would consider moving to a different flight due to her weight.
    That's why she put on a confident grin as she stepped up to the scale.
    "Good morning miss," spieled the checking attendant. "Where are we flying today?"
    "Heading to Mars to visit some friends." Said Kaz. The attendant checked through some records on his computer.
    "It seems to me like you're five pounds heavier than you were last time you traveled to Mars." Remarked the attendant. Kaz looked thoughtful for a moment. She had weighed her luggage and herself the other day, and it seemed to her as though she weighed less than her last flight, then it popped into her head.
    "I got a new banjo." She said, pulling it off and showing the attendant. He examined the beautiful instrument with genuine interest.
    "Very nice. My son has a Stessler too." The attendant made some notes, and saluted her. "Karen Patrick, you are cleared for boarding." Kaz nodded, put her luggage in the opening to the sorting area with the flight tags attached, and jogged of with her banjo and her carry-on.
    An escalator ride, a stop at the bathroom, a Reuben sandwich, and a quick walk later, Kaz arrived at baggage check, tossing the wrapper for the sandwich in the trash. She checked her watch, 4:42 AM, and stepped up to the TSA agent. The lines weren't too long, especially for something as essential as a spaceport. Kaz presented her passport to the agent, and she checked the IP visa, as well as cross referencing the face with various other sources, one of which obviously being the face in front of her. Kaz was cleared, and proceeded to baggage check. It was the most uneventful baggage check of her life. She took off her shoes, took out her earrings, walked through the metal detector, collected her stuff again, and walked to her gate.
    Kaz once again checked her watch, 4:49 AM, and sat down. She idly tuned her banjo in the near empty gate. Kaz them decided to pull out her laptop to offer some mild entertainment. The screen and spaceport wi-fi, alongside of the view of the ocean across the tarmac, seemed to provide enough entertainment for the next hour, when Kaz finally boarded her flight.
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Connor18's avatar
So this is why you were looking up the weight of banjos.

Interesting story, I like how this one and the last one seem quite realistic despite being in the future. I imagine heading to other planets will be a lot like this, hopefully in my lifetime.